Cactus Fruit فواكه الصبّار
A summer breakfast staple in Palestine is a bowl of ice-cold peeled cactus fruit & figs (usually paired with taboun bread). While unusual for many, cactus fruit is well-known & loved among Palestinian as a seasonal fruit.
Known as prickly pear cactus or Opuntia, widely common in South American, this summer fruit comes in all colors (yellow, green, red, pink, purple) depending on ripeness. It can be eaten fresh, as a juice or smoothie, or cooked for jams or even chillis.
من وجبات الفطور الأساسية في فلسطين خلال فصل صيف هي طبق من فواكه الصبّار والتين بالعادة مع خبز الطابون. وبالرغم من أن فواكه الصبّار غير مألوفة للكتير، لكنها معروفة ومحبوبة في فلسطين كفواكه موسمية.
معروفة باسم نبتة/فواكه الصبّار أو الصبّر، منتشرة بكثرة في أمريكا الجنوبية، ومتوفرة بعد ألوان (أصفر، أخضر، أحمر، وردي، بنفسجي) حسب نضجها. تؤكل طازجة، كعصير أو سموثي، أو حتى تطبخ للمربى أو اليخاني.
Why cactus fruit is great?
- A low-calorie fruit (14 calories/cup), with mostly water content in addition to fiber, & some natural sugar. It is packed with nutrients including vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, iron, & calcium to name a few.
- With a high fiber content, it contributes to digestive health, ensuring regularity, & preventing/relieving both constipation & diarrhea.
- It's an antioxidant boost (betalain, pigments, phenolics, vitamin C), with anti-inflammatory benefits, contributing to immune function, skin health, & lowering risk of chronic diseases & cancers.
- Heart-friendly - its antioxidant & fiber content contribute to lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol while strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Additionally, its potassium content works on lowering blood pressure, all contributing to heart health.
- Remedy for ulcers - used traditionally to treat gastric ulcers, it can be attributed to its fibrous, gel-like material.
- Diabetic-friendly (in moderate amounts), contributing to regulation of blood sugar levels due to its fiber & pectin content.
- A possible remedy to insomnia due to its magnesium content (hence production of serotonin & melatonin hormones). It also can have a sedative effective helping with sleep, anxiety & stress.
- Over-consumption can cause diarrhea, nausea, & feeling of stomach fullness.
- For unpeeled fruit, take care of spike injuries.
- In the case of extracts/supplements, consult a dietician or physician before use.