Fruits in Season: Plums البرقوق، فواكه موسمية
My favorite plums are finally in season! Purple on the outside, green on the side, with a distinctive ovoid shape, we call them Sweda, known as Damson too. These can enjoyed fresh, but also used to make jams & preserves.
وأخيراً صار موسم البرقوق المفضل عندي! بنفسجي من برا وأخضر من جوا وشكله المميز، بنسميه السويدة. يستمتع فيه طازج أو يستخدم في تحضير المربى والتطالي لنكهته المميزة.
Why plums are great?
- Low in calories, plums are packed with vitamins & minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, & potassium.
- Rich with antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, important to reduce inflammation & risk of chronic disease.
- Plum juice & prunes are known to relief constipation due to their fiber & sorbitol content.
- Diabetic-friendly, showing no substantial increase in blood sugar & increasing adiponectin hormone which regulates blood sugar.